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原创雅思口语节目《3分钟学雅思》节目结合时事以及主流热点每期节目控制在3分钟左右,碎片化学习每周更新一期本期节目话题背景最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot”。 说到这个话题,我可得好好跟你聊聊我的朋友莎拉!用咱现在的话说,那她可是一位妥妥的e人啊。有她在,我们的聚会从来不会有冷场的时候!但如果你以为她只是个小话痨的话,那你就大错特错了。因为她健谈的同时,她还是一个很好的聆听者。想知道她的故事究竟具体有哪些吗?那就听我向你娓娓道来吧~但如果你以为她只是个健谈的e人的话,那你可就大错特错了!因为在健谈的同时,她还是一位妥妥的聆听者!谁不想和莎拉这样的朋友交朋友呢!本期节目主持人:Sylvia本期Part 2 话题Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lotYou should say:Who this person isHow you knew this personWhat he/she usually talks aboutAnd explain how you felt about him/her3分钟学雅思第十一季 Episode 7本期节目话题参考文本作者:StephenI would like to talk about my friend, Sarah, who is an exceptionally talkative individual. Sarah possesses an effervescent personality and an unstoppable enthusiasm for conversation, making her a captivating and engaging companion.Known for her animated storytelling, Sarah effortlessly captivates those around her with vivid details and expressive anecdotes. She has a talent for turningmundaneevents into lively narratives, infusing humor and charm into her discourse. Her talkative nature is not confined to a particular topic; she can seamlessly transition from discussing current events to sharing personal experiences, maintaining aninfectiousenergy throughout.Despite her talkative nature, Sarah is also an excellent listener. She demonstrates genuine interest in others' perspectives, fostering a sense of connection. Her conversations are a delightful blend ofwit, wisdom, and warmth, creating an inviting atmosphere for those fortunate enough to engage with her.While some might find her overwhelming, Sarah's talkative nature adds a uniquevibrancyto any social setting. Her ability to weave words into compelling narratives ensures that interactions with her are always memorable, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who experiences the joy of her animated conversations.Words & expressions in this episode1. mundane adj. 普通的2. infectious adj. 有感染力的3. wit n. 智慧4. vibrancy n. 活力外教原声音频• END •想要了解更多语言学习留学与艺术留学相关问题关注新航道官方服务号获取更多内容微信公众号 ▌ 新航道官方服务号新浪微博 ▌ @新航道编辑 | Tangwy图片来源 | 新航道你的好友拍了拍你并请你帮她送个花花


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