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工艺陶瓷盘进口物流供应链服务商 工艺陶瓷盘进口都有哪些注意事项

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工艺陶瓷盘进口物流供应链服务商 工艺陶瓷盘进口都有哪些注意事项


工艺陶瓷盘进口物流供应链服务商 工艺陶瓷盘进口都有哪些注意事项,工艺陶瓷盘 海关HS编码:6913100000 -2019年06月14日新闻   昨日,深圳海关举行免税进口科研设备流动监管模式改革新闻发布会。南方科技大学等11家首批参与改革的科研单位正式完成在深圳海关的备案,标志着深圳海关顺应粤港澳大湾区科研创新推动科研要素自由流动的新型海关监管模式改革工作正式启动。此次免税进口科研设备流动监管模式改革,是深圳海关为适应当前在深科研机构免税进口科研设备流动的强烈诉求,通过简化海关监管作业手续,将原审核制变为报备制、原纸质申请转到网上办理,实现在深科研单位足不出户就可完成所有免税进口科研设备自主流动使用的新型海关监管模式。此举满足科研单位对设备自主流动的实际需求,大大提高免税进口科研设备的使用效率,解除科研单位违规风险等后顾之忧。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一站式服务 进口顾问董先生:138-8962-9849(微信同步) QQ:174913436 邮箱:Ethan.dong@vanhang- 进贸通用人才整合资源,为客户创造价值。为企业提供专业的“国际供应链管理外包”服务,立志成为中国领先的全球进口供应链管理服务权威。构建了以物流、商流、资金流、信息流四流合一为载体,以全球采购中心和产品整合供应链服务为核心的全球整合型供应链服务平台,服务网络遍布中国主要城市。今天,进贸通不仅是企业非核心业务的服务商,更是企业发展的战略合作者,与企业并肩前行,共赢未来!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------二手设备的进关报关有两大重点:   Second-hand equipment customs declaration on two points:  二手设备装运前检验检疫,俗称中检   Pre-shipment Inspection and Quarantine of Used Equipment  进口港海关审价   Customs Valuation主要也看是什么设备,普通的二手设备,没其他特殊证件或者不用招标的话,就正常的在做中检,然后发货回来国内清关就好了。   Mainly depend on what equipment, ordinary second-hand equipment, without other special documents or without bding, do normal -pection in Taiwan, and then ship back to domestic customs clearance would be good, often feel much -r to -te.  大概思路:中检,然后发货回来口岸清关,到了港口开始做手续,报检,审核中检证书(装运前检验检疫证书)然后看货,比如包装情况及铭牌等,海关报关,价格没什么问题就出税交税,海关查验货,核对机器跟申报是否属实,新旧程度是否有太大偏差,如查验没有问题,结清码头费用,就可以拉货走人。最后,机器回工厂以后安装调试,再跟当地商检做次手续(可避免),这时候就算全部搞定。   Approximate eas: China Inspection (Taiwan or Hong Kong do, generally do - in Taiwan), and then shipment back to the port customs clearance, to the port to start formalities, -pection, -pection certificate (pre-shipment -pection and quarantine certificate) to see the goods, such as packaging, customs declaration, price no problem on the delivery of taxes and taxes, customs to see whether the -hines and declarations are authentic, the new and old degree. Whether there is too much deviation, such as -pection is not a problem, settlement of wharf fees, pull goods away. Finally, the -hine will be -talled and debugged after it returns to the factory, and then go through the procedure with the local commodity -pection (which is avoable). At this time, it will be all settled.  进口报关的每一个环节和流程都是息息相关的,只要一个环节没有做好,出现差错,就会导致整个流程的延迟和重大的经济损失。所以本司建议客户一定要仔细考察所委托进口-公司的实力,特别是其为你所配备的是否是一个专业贴心的服务团队。本司对国外厂房设备及生产流水线和各种新旧机械设备搬迁有相当丰富的经验,因为进口二-械设备涉及到的问题很多。要搬到国内的东西很多很杂在报关上面存在很大的困难。主要就是体现是海关编码难以归类,设.备价值难以权衡。装货运输分类不均。其中,因为工厂搬迁主要是旧设备,旧设备进口报关是要做中检的,而进口二-械设备的装运前检验又要求不是相关设备零件或者配套设备不能一起装柜,那这就给企业出了个难题,节约成本在搬厂过程中的问题。所以客人在工厂搬迁或进口二手设备过程中,一定要选专业的进口公司来做。   Every link and process of import declaration is closely related. As long as one link is not done well, there will be errors, which will lead to the delay of the whole process and major economic losses. Therefore, we recommend that customers carefully examine the stren- of the entrusted import agent company, especially whether it is equipped with a professional and conserate - team for you. Our company has conserable experience in plant -tallation and equipment relocation abroad, because there are many problems involved in plant -tallation and equipment relocation. There are a lot of things to move to China that are very mixed up in customs declaration. The main manifestation is that customs codes are difficult to classify and equipment value is difficult to balance. The classification of freight transport is un-n. Among them, because the relocation of factories is mainly old equipment, old equipment, equipment import declaration is to do in-process -pection, and pre-shipment -pection of equipment is not required to be related equipment, equipment parts or supporting equipment. Equipment can not be -talled together, which gives enterprises a difficult problem, saving costs in the process of relocation. So in the process of factory relocation, customers choose professional import companies to do it.  报关交验的材料:   Materials for customs declaration and -pection:  (1) 报关  (1) Customs declaration  (2) -报关委托书(自理报关的无需提交)  (2) Power of Attorney for Customs Declaration by Agent (no need to submit for customs declaration by oneself)  (3) 报关单  (3) Customs declaration  (4) INVOICE、装箱单、合同、提单/运单等随附单据  (4) documents attached to invoices, packing lists, contracts, bills of lading/waybill, etc.  (5) 加工贸易需提供加工贸易手册  (5) Handbook of Processing Trade is required for Processing Trade  (6) 监管证件(如进口许可证、检验检疫入境货物通关、濒危物种进出口允许在、精神药物进口准许证等,进口货物不涉及监管证件的无需提供)  6) Supervision certificates (such as import license, customs clearance of imported goods for -pection and quarantine, permission for import and export of endangered species, permission for import of psychotropic drugs, etc.). import goods do not involve supervision certificates and need not be proved)  (7) 其它有特殊奖条件的有关单证以及海关要求出示的单证  (7) Other documents with special reward conditions and documents required by the Customs-------------------------------------------------------------新闻资讯目前我国对进口设备-免税,外商投资企业采购国产设备是要退税的,为了配套此次-改革,我国将取消这两项政策,同时-改革后一般人-降低了,所以我国将小规模纳税人征收率统一调低至3%。另外,矿产品的-税率恢复到17%。。象山商务信息发布。
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象山商务信息 工艺陶瓷盘进口物流供应链服务商 工艺陶瓷盘进口都有哪些注意事项
