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第11届中国北方国际涂装、电镀及表面处理展览会, 举办时间:-/8/23----/8/25 举办展馆:青-际会展中心;山东省青岛市崂山区苗岭路9号 乘车路线 所属行业:机械工业 展会城市:山东|青岛市 主办单位:中国国际贸易促进委员会山东省委员会 中国国际商会山东商会 承办单位:青岛海名国际会展有限公司 、-东港国际展览有限公司 协办单位:亚洲经贸发展促进中心、 美国ECB/GBO采购办公室 、青岛市五金行业协会 展会规模:展出面积16000㎡,标准展位500个,专业观众-0人次 举办周期:一年一届 官方-:.sfchinaexpo 参观登记 展位预订 设计搭建 本展会所属专题:其它展会(5) 展会简介 ;海名会展——您的愉悦商务之旅!;;Haiming Exhibition Group--- your pleasant businesstrip!;十一年品牌铸造,展会一直为提升中国北方电镀涂装工业市场缔造最佳平台不懈努力,公认为;山东省内规模最大、效果最好、历史最悠久的展会;,现强势打造;中国北方第一表面处理展;!:预计展出面积16000㎡,标准展位500个,专业观众-0人次。With el-n years exhibition experiences, we are- unremitting efforts in building the bestplat form for upgrading the electroplating and coating industrial - in northern China. The Northern China International Coating, Plating& Su-ce Treatment Exhibition is generally accepted as the largest, most effectual and biggest old exhibition in Shandong. Now we are strongly building the No.1 su-ce treatment exhibition in northern China! Predicted Exhibition Scale in -: 16,000㎡ exhibition area, 500 boot- and 20,000 professional visitors八大特色】Ⅲ. Eight Features特色1:声势浩大!将有500余家参展商,16000多平方米展览面积;特色2:精英团队,专业操作!运用强大的数据库信息和行业资源配合多元化的推广服务;特色3:专业买家,阵容庞大!将重点邀请国内外37个国家和地区2万名专业观众;特色4:春节期间精彩礼包大奉送!1月23日之前预定8个展位以上者可获赠会刊彩版壹整版及参观门票LOGO宣传(价值23000元);特色5:对老客户充分的礼遇!连续参与青岛展会三届以上同时1月23日之前预定展位者,可获赠会刊彩版壹整版;特色6:送给赞助商的惊喜!大会赞助商同时预定大会会刊彩版壹整版,即可获赠国际标准展位壹个;特色7:组团参展有惊喜!企业一起预定20个展位以上即可算为组团参展,展会前期活动及展会现场都会有超值的宣传及优惠活动,详情请咨询组委会;特色8:名企云集!德国瓦格纳尔、诺信(中国)、东莞智惠、瑞士金马、安美特(中国)、凯茜爱、安本、达克罗、吉本、牛津、广伸自动化、历升、日益、涂师、艾吉提姆、延中助剂、日本共荣、韩国韩科等。Feature 1: Large scale---there will be over 500 exhibitors and over 16,000 ㎡exhibition area.Feature2: Elite team, professional -tion---powerful database -rmation, rich industry resources and diverse extension -Feature3: Big lineup of professional purchasers---we will focus on inviting nearly 20,000 domestic and overseas professional visitors from thirty-s-n countries.Feature 4: Big Spring Festival gift bag---the company which has reserved eight or - boot- before Jan. 23 - will be awarded by one full color page ads in EXHIBITION CATALOGUE and LOGO ads on tickets (23,000 CNY).Feature 5: Great gift for our valued customer---the company which has been attended our exhibition for three or - times and has reserved boot- before Jan. 23 - at the same time will be awarded by one full color page ads in EXHIBITION CATALOGUE.Feature 6: Great gift for our sponsor---the sponsor who has reserved one full color page ads in EXHIBITION CATALOGUE will be rewarded by one international standard booth.Feature 7: Great gift for exhibitor group---that companies reserve twenty or - boot- together can be regard as an exhibitor group which will enjoy a series of publicity and discount promotions before and during the exhibition. Please consult or-izing commi- for details.Feature 8: Famous companies will gather together---lots of companies will attend the exhibition, including J. Wagner -bH, -son Corporation (China), Dongguan Zhihui, I- GEMA AG, Atotech (China), KCI, Aberdeen, Dacromet, Gibbon, Oxford, Guanson Automation, Lisheng, Riyi, Tushi, AGTM, Yanzhong, Kyoeisha Chemical Co., Ltd and HK (South Korea), etc. 参展范围 1、产品表面处理和精饰技术、原材料和设备:清洗、研磨、去毛刺、磨光和抛光、转化膜、电镀、预处理、电泳涂装、阳极氧化、塑胶电镀、真空电镀、脱漆脱脂设备和原材料Su-ce treatment and finishing technolo-, raw material and equipment:Cleaning, grinding, burring, lapping& polishing, conversion coating, electroplating, pretreatment, electrophoresis coating, anodic oxation, Plastic plating, vacuum plating, paint skim-off equipment and raw material.2、涂装设备和辅助产品:油漆涂装、粉末涂装、喷房、输送系统、烘炉、自动化控制系统、自动机械手喷漆系统、回收系统、往复机、其他设备和配件Painting equipment& subsiary products:Painting applications, powder coating, spray-paint room, transport -, dry-off oven, automation control -, automatic -hine hand paint -, final recovery parachute, reciprocating engine, and other equipments and fittings.3、涂料产品:不粘涂料、紫外线固化涂料、工业涂料、汽车涂料、粉末涂料等Coating Products:Stick coatings, ultraviolet-cured coatings, industrial coating, automotive coatings, power coatings, etc.4、环保、安全及保护设备:清洗装置、废液处理、去除烟尘、通风和空气污染控制、工程设计、整厂设备、各类型的品质控制和测试仪器、顾问服务、刊物和其他服务品; Environmental protection, security& safety device:;;Clean -hine, waste liquor treatment, dust and fume extraction, ventilate& air pollution control, engineering design, the whole plant equipment, various quality control& -, consulting -s, journals and other - products5、高新技术与产品展区:涂装、电镀及表面处理行业各类高新技术与产品Innovative and high technolo-& product exhibits:All kinds of innovative and high technolo- and products in various industries such as coating, electroplating, su-ce treatment, etc.6、特设电镀加工展区:电镀厂、表面处理厂。Electroplating processing: electroplating factories and su-ce treatment plants 参展费用 1、国内企业:标准展位(9㎡):- 6800元,角位加收1000元;2、外资企业:标准展位(9㎡):USD1800,角位加收7.5%;3、室内空地:(36㎡起):国内企业- 700元/㎡,外资企业USD180。1. Domestic Enterprise: Standard booth (9㎡): 6,800 CNY, one corner booth needs another 1000CNY.2. Foreign-invested Enterprise: Standard booth (9㎡): 1,800 USD, one corner booth needs 7.5% extra fee of the total.3. Indoor Open Ground: (36㎡ minimum): domestic enterprise pays 700 CNY/㎡; Foreign-invested enterprise pays 180 USD/㎡.★备注:★Notes:1、标准展位配置:一张洽谈桌,两把洽谈椅,两面(或三面)围板,电源插座(220V500W)一个,楣板一条;2、光地36㎡起,且不带任何展具,参展商自行设计特装,特装展位自行负担施工费、管理费和电费;3、会刊广告、会场广告及其他广告,请另电咨询;1. Standard Booth Collocation: one table, two chairs, three or two faced hoarding, one power socket (220V, 500W) and one company fascia broad2. Open ground has no any equipment and requires exhibitors decorating exquisite booth by themselves and affording construction costs, ma-ment fee and power.3. For - -rmation about EXHIBITION CATALOGUE ads, venue ads and other ads, please call consultation. - 青岛海名国际会展有限公司地;址:青岛市山东路52号华嘉大厦4楼(266071) 电;话:86-532-85011039;; 传真:86-532-85012624;联系人:肖莉;;;;;;; -:136 4648 8196E -mail:xiaoli@qdhaiming; -:.sfchinaexpoOr-izer: Qingdao Haiming International Exhibition Co., LtdAddress:;Huajia Building 4F, No. 52, Shandong Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China; Z-: 266071Tel: 0532-85011039;;;;;;; Fax: 0532-85012624Contact Person:;;;;;;;;Tel: 13646488196;;;; E-mail: xiaoli@qdhaiming; Website: .sfchinaexpo 展位预定: 参观咨询: --> 由于本站部分展会信息来源于会员发布及网络,不完全保证信息的的准确性、真实性,如果您有任何疑问请联系我们。 。象山展会信息发布。
更多第11届中国北方国际涂装、电镀及表面处理展览会最新相关信息: 第十一届中国国际玩具及模型展览会,北京国际智能停车设备及技术展览会,第十四届西部国际铸造工业展览会,第十四届中国国际冶金工业展览会,第二届中国(广州)国际保健食品及营养品展览会,第13届中国(重庆)国际建筑与景观设计展览会,第二届中国(北京)国际3D虚拟现实互动娱乐展览会暨高峰论坛,2022第九届山东省绿色建筑与新型建筑工业化展览会,

象山展会信息 第11届中国北方国际涂装、电镀及表面处理展览会
